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ENGIE Deutschland Pressemitteilungen: Gemeinsame Initiative von IHA und ENGIE:  Gründung eines Energieeffizienz- und Klimaschutz-Netzwerks für die Hotellerie in Deutschland

Joint initiative of IHA and ENGIE: Establishment of an energy efficiency and climate protection network for the hotel industry in Germany

18 March 2022
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Berlin - ENGIE Deutschland and the German Hotel Association (IHA) are initiating an energy efficiency and climate protection network for the hotel industry. It will offer hotel operators a platform specifically tailored to their needs for exchanges around the topics of energy efficiency, energy procurement and sustainability, and will highlight concrete optimization opportunities.

"Sustainability has already been anchored in the hotel industry for many years. Guests expect responsible use of resources while maintaining the same level of comfort. With the network, we now want to offer our members the opportunity to identify further potential for saving energy. I am confident that by exchanging ideas among ourselves and with the energy expertise of our Preferred Partner ENGIE, we will find ways to contribute to even more resource conservation," says Stefan Dinnendahl, Deputy IHA General Manager.

"As a long-standing service provider for the hotel industry at the interface of buildings, energy and mobility, we know the many different levers for reducing energy consumption on the one hand and increasing self-sufficiency and sustainability in energy supply on the other," says Matthias Sommer, Head of Sales Real Estate at ENGIE Deutschland.

ENGIE Deutschland already successfully manages various energy efficiency networks for energy-intensive companies. "Over the past eight years, energy efficiency networks have already proven their worth in setting up companies and businesses to be even more efficient. And the initiative continues to develop dynamically. The spectrum of content was expanded last year to include the topics of climate protection, energy transition and sustainability," says Andreas Littmann, Managing Director of Leine-Kompetenz-Zentrum GmbH, who will accompany the network as moderator.

Online information event

ENGIE Deutschland and the German Hotel Association (IHA) are therefore offering a free online information event on the energy efficiency and climate protection network on May 3, 2022, from 11:00 to 13:00


Interested IHA members please register here

The Energy Efficiency and Climate Protection Networks initiative is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) and the German Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMU) as well as 21 associations and organizations of the German economy and is supported by further cooperation partners.

Alexa Schröder
Head of Corporate Communications
ENGIE Deutschland GmbH