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Design the green heat supply for your municipality

ENGIE is one of Europe's leading experts in sustainable heat supply. The transition to climate-neutral solutions in this area is the focus of our efforts - after all, around half of the final energy consumed in Germany is used for heating and cooling applications alone. Thanks to around 100 of our own heating networks in decarbonization and our participation in four municipal utilities in Germany, we know the challenges on the way to green heat from practical experience. Let's tackle your municipal heat transition together.

Your benefits from a partnership with ENGIE:

  • Comprehensive energy expertise
    We talk energy - from feasibility studies to planning, plant construction, financing and operation

  • Professionals from the field
    We deliver practicable solutions that fit your goals and work. We accompany you as a partner "at eye level"

  • Financial secruity 
    Thanks to our excellent credit rating, we create the basis for an all-round stable business relationship for local authorities, municipal utilities and citizens' cooperatives.

  • Pioneer for decarbonization As a leading company for climate neutrality, we are making a significant contribution to the success of the energy transition.

The transition to a climate-neutral heat supply is one of the biggest challenges for municipalities and their municipal energy suppliers. With our experience and expertise, we ensure that the heat transition remains affordable." 

Axel Popp, Head of Heating Networks, ENGIE Deutschland

With smart investments in heating networks and the integration of innovative technologies, we can successfully shape this change together. Our expertise extends to the efficient integration of renewable, local heat sources into existing or new supply systems, the reduction of energy requirements through the efficient design of technical infrastructure and the incorporation of advanced heat storage strategies. 

Are you ready to make the heat transition in your municipality a success?

Contact us now to find out more about our services and how we can work together to achieve your goals.


And this is how we proceed

We focus on a partnership of equals - right from the start. In a joint workshop, we work out the goals for your local heating transition and analyze the local conditions: Which energy sources are currently used to generate heat, what heating requirements must be anticipated for residential, industrial and commercial properties in the future, what building structures are in place, are there existing networks, do they need to be upgraded and/or expanded. We then investigate whether renewable energies are available locally or can be tapped into - including biomass, geothermal energy, solar, wind and PV systems. We also check whether waste heat from industry, waste incineration, waste water or data centers can be considered.

In the next step, we discuss what form our partnership should take. We have extensive experience with various participation and cooperation models. Our credo: Your local concerns are our priority, because we want to involve your clients and stakeholders. The energy transition means bringing the energy supply closer to the people - and this requires trust in the responsible players.

Your contact

Axel Popp
Head of Heating Networks

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